(478)788-3883 office@pfweb.org
Kathryn Short

Kathryn Short

Student Ministries Director

Kathryn serves as the director of children and youth ministries.  Kathryn was raised in church and came to know Jesus as her personal Lord and Savior at the age of 4.  She grew up in a family culture of service to church and community, and has served in a variety of lay ministry positions for most of her life. She believes that personal daily engagement with God’s word, being committed to consistently spending time with Christ followers, and intentionally engaging in acts of service are three keys to maintaining a close relationship with God. Kathryn is the wife of Josh Short, and mother of five children ranging from preschool to college ages.  In addition to church and family activities she is a full time homeschool mom and tutor. Over the past several years she has recognized God’s call on her life to do more with youth and children ministries, and feels blessed by the opportunity to serve in this role at Pine Forest Baptist Church.  Kathryn has been an active member of Pine Forest since 2001, and joined our staff in 2022.